Author(s): Martin H. Sadd Ph.D.
Size: 8 Mb, 533 Pages.
Theory, Applications and Numerics Second Edition provides a concise and organized presentation and development of the theory of elasticity, moving from solution methodologies, formulations and strategies into applications of contemporary interest, including fracture mechanics, anisotropic/composite materials, micromechanics and computational methods. Developed as a text for a one- or two-semester graduate elasticity course, this new edition is the only elasticity text to provide coverage in the new area of non-homogenous, or graded, material behavior. Extensive end-of-chapter exercises throughout the book are fully incorporated with the use of MATLAB software.
Elasticity: Theory, Applications, and Numerics 4th Edition Matlab examples Author(s): Martin H. Sadd Ph.D. Size:…
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