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 GEOSLOPE GeoStudio 2018 R2_v9.1

GEOSLOPE GeoStudio 2018


Developer(s): GeoSlope
Size: 340 Mb


GEOSLOPE GeoStudio 2018 is a comprehensive application that provides solution for geological engineering tasks and modeling of soil structures. It enables you to combine multiple analyses using different products into a single modeling project which can be relied upon to handle all your modeling needs.. It is a powerful application that works with geo-engineering projects and earth science projects by creating and modifying detailed 3D models of areas and objects of terrain. It is a useful suite of CAD integrated software products for Geo-technical modeling & analysis broad enough to handle all your modeling needs.
GEOSLOPE GeoStudio 2018 is a powerful CAD gradient stability software to calculate the coefficients of land and stone confidence and perform effective analysis of simple and complex problems for surface slipping, pore pressure conditions, soil properties, analysis methods and loading conditions. The suite consists of 8 products: SLOPE / W – stability analysis of slopes; QUAKE / W – dynamic analysis of the earthquake; AIR / W – air flow analysis; SEEP / W – analysis of groundwater leakage; TEMP / W – geothermal analysis; VADOSE / W – analysis of aeration zones and soil cover analysis; SIGMA / W – analysis of stress-strain state; CTRAN / W – analysis of transport pollution. Moreover, the program also provides powerful visualization tools, including graphing, contour plots, isolines, animations, interactive data queries and data exports to spreadsheets for further analysis. It allows you to model construction sequences, establish initial conditions, perform sensitivity analyses, model complex time sequences, or simply decompose a complex problem into a number of smaller, more manageable analyses.
Features of GEOSLOPE GeoStudio 2018
Below are some noticeable features which you will experience after GEOSLOPE GeoStudio 2018 Free Download.
• Provides solution for geological engineering tasks and modeling of soil structures.
• Combine multiple analyses using different products into a single modeling package.
• Useful suite of CAD integrated software products for Geo-technical modeling & analysis to meet the modeling needs.
• Perform effective analysis of simple and complex problems for surface slipping, pore pressure conditions, soil properties, analysis methods and loading conditions.
• Consists of 8 analysis models.
• Perform sensitivity analyses.
• Decompose a complex problem into a number of smaller, more manageable analyses.
• Provides powerful visualization tools, including graphing, contour plots, isolines, animations, interactive data queries.
• Ability to export data to spreadsheets for further analysis.


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La construction d’une maison est l’aboutissement d’un rêve, le fruit du travail acharné et de la vision d’un propriétaire qui souhaite bâtir son chez-soi. C’est un processus complexe qui nécessite l’intervention d’un constructeur expérimenté pour mener à bien chaque étape.
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Le chantier est le théâtre où se déploient les talents des artisans et ouvriers du bâtiment. Chaque jour, ils mettent leur savoir-faire au service de cette grande entreprise qu’est la construction d’une maison. L’entreprise générale de bâtiment joue un rôle clé dans tout projet immobilier. Elle coordonne les différents corps de métiers impliqués dans le processus afin que chaque tâche soit réalisée avec précision et efficacité.
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