Author(s): Daniel J. Findley, Christopher M. Cunningham, Thomas H. Brown Jr, Lorraine M. Cahill, Guangchuan Yang, Leta F. Huntsinger
Size: 17,6 Mb, 740 Pages.
Highway Engineering: Planning, Design, and Operations, Second Edition, presents a clear and rigorous exposition of highway engineering concepts, including project development and the relationship between planning, operations, safety and highway types. The book includes important topics such as corridor selection and traverses, horizontal and vertical alignment, design controls, basic roadway design, cross section elements, intersection and interchange design, and the integration of new vehicle technologies and trends. It also presents end of chapter exercises to further aid understanding and learning.
This edition has been fully updated with the current design policies and reference manuals essential for highway, transportation, and civil engineers who are required to work to these standards.
Provides an updated resource on current design standards from the Highway Capacity Manual and the Green Book
Covers fundamental traffic flow relationships and traffic impact analysis, collision analysis, road safety audits and advisory speeds
Presents the latest applications and engineering considerations for highway planning, design and construction.
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