Author(s): David N. Chapman, Nicole Metje, Alfred Stark
Size: 53,7 Mb 417 Pages.
Tunnelling provides a robust solution to a variety of engineering challenges. It is a complex process, which requires a firm understanding of the ground conditions as well as the importance of ground-structure interaction. This book covers the full range of areas related to tunnel construction required to embark upon a career in tunnelling. It also includes a number of case studies related to real tunnel projects, to demonstrate how the theory applies in practice. New features of this second edition include: the introduction of a case study related to Crossrail’s project in London, focussing on the Whitechapel and Liverpool Street station tunnels and including considerations of building tunnels in a congested urban area; and further information on recent developments in tunnel boring machines, including further examples of all the different types of machine as well as multi-mode machines.
The coverage includes:
Both hard-rock and soft-ground conditions
Site investigation, parameter selection, and design considerations
Methods of improving the stability of the ground and lining techniques
Descriptions of the various main tunnelling techniques
Health and safety considerations
Monitoring of tunnels during construction
Description of the latest tunnel boring machines
Case studies with real examples, including Crossrail’s project in London
Clear, concise, and heavily illustrated, this is a vital text for final-year undergraduate and MSc students and an invaluable starting point for young professionals and novices in tunnelling.
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